The principles required for drumming in a group and playing a rhythm together are consistent with working together in any team. There is a leader who is responsible for a number of assigned sub-leaders who in turn, direct and assist the rest of the team. While each role carries different levels of responsibility, the quality of the outcome depends on effective communication and deligation.
Does drumming sound daunting? Not to worry! Our experienced facilitators will have your team drumming together within five minutes.
We offer two standard types of workshops and an option to customise:
An express 20-minute taster is a fantastic opener that gets people on the same page quickly. It is particularly useful for later in the day when attention begins to fade. Just inject a little drumming hot sauce into your schedule and watch participants reignite with attention and enthusiasm!
A one-hour workshop where participants will experience playing different parts that come together to make a complete rhythm that has depth and feeling. Your team will have a unique somatic experience that highlights the importance of everyone playing their part to create the magic. Those who are willing can take turns leading the group and the responsibility that comes with it. This experience is awesome for developing leadership and levelling up.
We can work with you to create a focused in-depth experience, in line with principles and attributes that may be specific to the needs of your team. For example,
Active listening skills – we use a call and response.
Communication and delegation – we assign the roles responsible for bringing the various parts together to make the rhythm work.
We are there with you the entire way assisting and guiding participants through deliberate discomfort in order to achieve breakthroughs.